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2024-10-25 09:22:21 0 रिपोर्ट
पूरा सामग्री देखने के लिए लॉगिन करें
लेखक की अन्य रचनाएँ
Author Profile
Victor Hugo (1802-1885)
19th-century French Romanticism representative writer
Born in 1802 in Baissey, France
In 1816, Hugo was able to create outstanding verses at the age of 16.
Published a poetry collection at the age of 21, becoming widely renowned.
In 1845 (at the age of 43), King Louis Philippe of France bestowed upon him the position of a member of the Upper House, from which point he dedicated himself to politics.
Work Influence
"Les Misérables" is Hugo's monumental masterpiece created during the peak of his career, the most successful representative work of Hugo's realism novels, and one of the most famous novels of the 19th century.
Character Introduction
Jean Valjean
The main protagonist of the entire book, and a symbol of Hugo's kindness and universal love.
Bishop Myriel
He is not only the embodiment of Bishop Myriel but also the true reflection of the author Hugo.
Fantine is the tragic female protagonist.
Sha Wei
Javert symbolizes the despicable law and order of the time.
Marius and Cosette
The embodiment of the ideals of kindness and universal love pursued by Hugo
Eponine is Madame Thénardier's daughter.
Theme of the work
The relentless struggle between humanity and evil.
Human nature is pure and good, destined to walk towards happiness together, yet this journey must pass through the trials of suffering.
Revealed the unfair fate of the diligent and kind working people who were discriminated against and oppressed in society at that time.
Unveiled the then brutal and unjust laws and order.
Artistic Features
Massive structure
Strive to recreate society and history with the grandeur and scale of an epic, turning it into a historical fresco.
Psychological description
Psychological descriptions are imbued with strong subjective characteristics and possess their own unique qualities.
Classic Quotes
Humans have a physical body, which is simultaneously a burden and a temptation. They drag it along and are dominated by it.
Those who squander their years, their youth will fade, and life will abandon them.
Laughter is like sunshine, driving away the winter from people's faces.
One should believe that they are the strong ones in life.
A person's two ears hear, one the voice of God, the other the voice of the devil.

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