सिंहासन सीसन 4 का खेल
2024-10-25 09:22:21 65 0 रिपोर्ट 0
पूरा सामग्री देखने के लिए लॉगिन करें
लेखक की अन्य रचनाएँ
The Northern Frontier
Rhaegar used Theon to drive the Ironborn out of the North, helping his father unify the North,
and was granted the family name by Roose Bolton.
and was granted the family name by Roose Bolton.
Across the narrow sea
Daenerys began to rule, the largest dragon Drogon has broken away from the group, no longer obeying commands, often causing casualties. Daenerys had no choice but to chain up the other two dragons. Daenerys and Jorah Mormont were incited against each other, and Daenerys banished Jorah.
North of the Great Wall
Bran found the three-eyed raven and began to gain greater magic.
The king reigns over the city
Joffrey was poisoned by a conspiracy between Littlefinger and the grandmother of the Tyrell family, and was framed by the Imp. Tywin wanted to take this opportunity to kill the Imp, but Jaime and Varys helped the Imp escape. The Imp returned midway and found Shae in Tywin's bed, killed Shae and then murdered Tywin in the toilet; Tommen, as the new king, saw Cersei become increasingly brutal.
Eagle's Nest Castle
Littlefinger married Lady Lysa and then killed her, Sansa helped Littlefinger evade suspicion and began to grow up, Arya traveled with the Hound, was told of her aunt's death, and set out alone on the road to Braavos, Brienne failed to gain Arya's trust and did not fulfill her vow.
The Wall of Despair
Savages attack the Great Wall, Stannis leads his army to crush the savages, captures Mance, currently rules the Wall, Jon's lover dies, begins to mature.

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