सिंहासन 5, 6 और 7 खेल सिंहासन
2024-10-25 09:22:21 71 0 रिपोर्ट 0
पूरा सामग्री देखने के लिए लॉगिन करें
लेखक की अन्य रचनाएँ
After reviewing the plot of three seasons, one can clearly feel that it contains an immense amount of information.
To accelerate the pace of the plot development and bring all the main characters together quickly, the scriptwriter
made some compromises, which led to controversies in the handling of some side plots, such as the hasty conclusion of the Dorne storyline, significantly reducing its excitement.
What I regret the most is Stannis, among all those vying for the Iron Throne,
he is the only one who truly believes in the existence of the Others. His army is not adept at fighting in the northern environment,
yet he still chooses to go north to protect the entire kingdom.
If it weren't for his timely arrival, all the Night's Watch, including Jon Snow,
would have perished at the hands of the wildlings.
Stannis is not entirely cold-blooded; he does care about the fate of his daughter,
so when the scene in the show depicts him burning his daughter alive, causing his army to lose morale, I believe Stannis's character has completely collapsed.
To accelerate the pace of the plot development and bring all the main characters together quickly, the scriptwriter
made some compromises, which led to controversies in the handling of some side plots, such as the hasty conclusion of the Dorne storyline, significantly reducing its excitement.
What I regret the most is Stannis, among all those vying for the Iron Throne,
he is the only one who truly believes in the existence of the Others. His army is not adept at fighting in the northern environment,
yet he still chooses to go north to protect the entire kingdom.
If it weren't for his timely arrival, all the Night's Watch, including Jon Snow,
would have perished at the hands of the wildlings.
Stannis is not entirely cold-blooded; he does care about the fate of his daughter,
so when the scene in the show depicts him burning his daughter alive, causing his army to lose morale, I believe Stannis's character has completely collapsed.
Besides, some parts of the plot have loopholes and cannot withstand close scrutiny.
No matter how much ones roast the loopholes in it, the existence of its highlights cannot be ignored.
The three seasons have shaped a rather successful character—Bear Island's Lyanna Mormont, who upon her debut in the sixth season, won countless fans.
The three seasons have shaped a rather successful character—Bear Island's Lyanna Mormont, who upon her debut in the sixth season, won countless fans.
The loyal Hodor touched countless viewers, when he repeatedly shouted "Hold the door", we finally understood why he could only say the word Hodor.
The roar of the dragon, the raging fire, Jaime Lannister rushing towards the dragon became the most unforgettable moment of the seventh season.
The roar of the dragon, the raging fire, Jaime Lannister rushing towards the dragon became the most unforgettable moment of the seventh season.
The Battle of Hardhome in the fifth season's eighth episode, the Battle of the Bastards in the sixth season's ninth episode, and the wildfire in the seventh season's fourth episode are all war scenes that can be considered epic in scale.
It is worth noting that the fifth, sixth, and seventh seasons, which Original Party (Original Fans) relatively criticized, have instead won consecutive Emmy Awards for Outstanding Drama Series. The fifth season, which had relatively lower ratings, even swept the 67th Emmy Awards, taking home the awards for Outstanding Drama Series, Outstanding Directing, Outstanding Writing, and Outstanding Supporting Actor in a Drama Series.
After all, the first four seasons had already laid a solid foundation for the entire series, and these three seasons are still瑕不掩瑜 (flaws do not overshadow the virtues). You'll find that starting from the fifth season, the creators, considering the tastes of the general audience, gradually developed towards grander scenes and a more straightforward, satisfying drama direction. This also led to a steady increase in viewership and extremely high global buzz. The convergence of multiple main characters in the seventh season created intense sparks between them, making the entire series even more compelling.
It is worth noting that the fifth, sixth, and seventh seasons, which Original Party (Original Fans) relatively criticized, have instead won consecutive Emmy Awards for Outstanding Drama Series. The fifth season, which had relatively lower ratings, even swept the 67th Emmy Awards, taking home the awards for Outstanding Drama Series, Outstanding Directing, Outstanding Writing, and Outstanding Supporting Actor in a Drama Series.
After all, the first four seasons had already laid a solid foundation for the entire series, and these three seasons are still瑕不掩瑜 (flaws do not overshadow the virtues). You'll find that starting from the fifth season, the creators, considering the tastes of the general audience, gradually developed towards grander scenes and a more straightforward, satisfying drama direction. This also led to a steady increase in viewership and extremely high global buzz. The convergence of multiple main characters in the seventh season created intense sparks between them, making the entire series even more compelling.
Fifth, sixth, and seventh season plot summaries
Since Tywin's death, various forces in King's Landing have taken advantage of the situation to move in. Cersei, in her own overconfidence, armed and granted privileges to the Sparrows, hoping to suppress the House of the Rose with religious power. However, she inadvertently set herself on fire, and although she successfully sent the Little Rose and the Knight of Flowers to the black cells, she herself was also imprisoned.
Ultimately, she had to bow her head temporarily and gained freedom by parading through the streets.
Afterwards, she began her counterattack, achieving what the Mad King could not in his time: she ignited the wild fire in the Great Sept of Baelor, burning all who opposed her to ashes, not even sparing her own uncle Kevan. Her son Tommen could not accept this and committed suicide, and all three of Cersei's children died as the prophecy foretold, so she simply sat on the Iron Throne and declared herself queen.
Jon Snow was elected the new Lord Commander of the Night's Watch and he refused Stannis Baratheon's recruitment.
Stannis, alone, led his army to Winterfell, where he was completely defeated in battle against the Bolton forces, and was ultimately executed by Brienne the Beauty. During the Battle of Hardhome, Jon Snow witnessed the terrifying army of the Others firsthand. He and Tormund led some of the wildlings to safety and arrived together at Castle Black.
With the persistence of the Onion Knight, Melisandre the Red Priestess successfully resurrected Jon Snow.
After his resurrection, Jon Snow executed the Night's Watch brothers who had betrayed him, and then decided to resign as the Lord Commander of the Night's Watch,
ending his watch. He later reunited with Sansa at the Black Castle, and with Sansa's assistance,
won the battle of the bastards.
The Stark family successfully recaptured Winterfell, and Jon Snow was crowned King in the North.
Meanwhile, in the distant slave city of Meereen, the slavers funded the "Sons of the Harpy" to rebel against the rule of Daenerys.
In the midst of chaos, the great dragon Drogon appeared in time, taking Daenerys away from the riot scene.
After his resurrection, Jon Snow executed the Night's Watch brothers who had betrayed him, and then decided to resign as the Lord Commander of the Night's Watch,
ending his watch. He later reunited with Sansa at the Black Castle, and with Sansa's assistance,
won the battle of the bastards.
The Stark family successfully recaptured Winterfell, and Jon Snow was crowned King in the North.
Meanwhile, in the distant slave city of Meereen, the slavers funded the "Sons of the Harpy" to rebel against the rule of Daenerys.
In the midst of chaos, the great dragon Drogon appeared in time, taking Daenerys away from the riot scene.
After returning to Meereen to punish the slavers and after Daenerys commanded the Second Sons of Daario to remain in Meereen to maintain rule, she set off for Westeros with her three dragons, the Unsullied army, and the Dothraki horde, ready to reclaim the Iron Throne.
Daenerys received the support and assistance of Tyrion the Imp and Varys, and successfully formed alliances with Dorne, the Reach, and the Greyjoy siblings from the Iron Islands. With the Unsullied army and the Dothraki cavalry at her disposal, not to mention the power of her three dragons, it seemed she had the upper hand.
However, Daenerys' faction faced an unfavorable start in the seventh season, losing two powerful allies, Highgarden and Dorne.
The only victory Daenerys achieved was when she personally led the charge in the battle that was like a wildfire sweeping across the fields.
While Jon Snow and Daenerys, uncle and niece, sparked a passionate connection, Bran, Arya, and Sansa reunited in Winterfell. Bran took up the mantle of the Three-Eyed Raven, and Arya returned from her training at the House of Black and White in Braavos, where she executed the Freys for their betrayal against the Starks and Littlefinger for his treachery.
Caught between the enemy Cersei and the advancing army of the White Walkers, life was not easy for Jon Snow and Daenerys. A great battle that would determine the survival of humanity was about to be fought in Winterfell.
Daenerys received the support and assistance of Tyrion the Imp and Varys, and successfully formed alliances with Dorne, the Reach, and the Greyjoy siblings from the Iron Islands. With the Unsullied army and the Dothraki cavalry at her disposal, not to mention the power of her three dragons, it seemed she had the upper hand.
However, Daenerys' faction faced an unfavorable start in the seventh season, losing two powerful allies, Highgarden and Dorne.
The only victory Daenerys achieved was when she personally led the charge in the battle that was like a wildfire sweeping across the fields.
While Jon Snow and Daenerys, uncle and niece, sparked a passionate connection, Bran, Arya, and Sansa reunited in Winterfell. Bran took up the mantle of the Three-Eyed Raven, and Arya returned from her training at the House of Black and White in Braavos, where she executed the Freys for their betrayal against the Starks and Littlefinger for his treachery.
Caught between the enemy Cersei and the advancing army of the White Walkers, life was not easy for Jon Snow and Daenerys. A great battle that would determine the survival of humanity was about to be fought in Winterfell.

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