Theme Analysis of Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris
2024-09-26 10:57:24 0 Report
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Beauty and ugliness
The Appearance and Inner World of Quasimodo
Ugly appearance
Social prejudices and discrimination
Self-awareness and acceptance
The kindness and sensitivity within.
The deep affection for Esmeralda
Selfless contribution to society
The beauty and fate of Esmeralda
Symbol of beauty
The charm of the Gypsy lass
The allure of love
Cruel fate
Persecution by the powerful and influential
The indifference of society
Good and evil
The kindness of Quasimodo
The Protection of Esmeralda
Courageous action
Unregretful sacrifice
The inner struggle
Confusion about one's identity
Reflections on the Definitions of Good and Evil
Frollo's Evil
The desire for power
The possessiveness towards Esmeralda.
The oppression of Quasimodo
Hypocritical piety
The superficial image of a priest
The darkness and distortion within
Fate and Freedom
The fate of Esmeralda
Bound by society
Limitations of Identity and Class
The conflict between love and fate
The desire for freedom
The pursuit of love
The yearning for freedom
The Freedom of Quasimodo
Inner freedom
The pure pursuit of love
Affirmation of one's self-worth
External constraints
Social prejudices and discrimination
The disability and limitations of the body

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