Process Type
Visual Representation
Mind Map Type
Structured Representation
Notes Type
Efficiency Type
Basic Flow Chart
Venn Diagram
Home Blog Gantt chart
How to draw a Gantt chart ? Tutorial and examples
How to draw a Gantt chart ? Tutorial and examples
The Gantt chart has a simple inner concept, that is, it graphically shows the sequence and duration of activities for any particular project through a list of activities and a time scale. It is basically a line chart , with the horizontal axis representing time, the vertical axis representing activities (projects), and the line representing the planned and actual completion of activities over the entire period. It intuitively shows when the task is planned to be carried out and the comparison between the actual progress and the planned requirements. This allows managers to easily find out what work is left to be done on a task (project) and to evaluate the progress of the work.
ProcessOn-Ares 2024-11-27
How to use Gantt chart for time and project management? High definition template sharing
How to use Gantt chart for time and project management? High definition template sharing
Gantt chart, also known as bar chart or Gantt chart, is a commonly used type of chart in project and task management. It represents the order and duration of specific projects through activity lists and time scales, making it very suitable for optimizing our long-term plans. By using Gantt chart, we can break down the medium and long-term goals into more controllable short-term plans, thus enabling the implementation of plans and improving the efficiency of actions. This article will explain how to use ProcessOn to draw a high-quality Gantt chart.